Camera For skin analysis & Cosmetic Consulting
Deep Looking at Skin & Hair
Visioscope® PC 35

Visioscope® PC 35
Unique USB Dermatoscope for skin and hair analysis deeply. Measuring area is 8 x 6.4 mm. The camera has parallel and cross polarized light, quickly switched by pressing a finger button. By VisioScope PC35 camera, it’s possible to take very magnificent and sharp images of the skin surface, hair and scalp and other skin area (e.g. nails, lips etc.). Thanks to USB connector, it can be plugged in simply to any computer.
What is the application of parallel and polarized lights?
parallel polarized light source shows the structure of the skin and a cross polarized light source shows the deeper levels of the skin (pigmentation, blood vessels, etc.). The camera shows live images which can be frozen and saved by simply pressing the button on the camera.
What to measure by Dermatoscopy Visioscope® PC35 ?
The Dermatoscope PC35 gives very essential information about skin conditions by assessing the pores, wrinkles, spots, sebum and skin dryness (Desquamation) along with some calculations.
The CSI software can save and print out the reports or save as pdf. Also, the software is able to recommend the products for any clients according to clinic’s boutique (database can be prepared by clinic).
Quick fact Visioscope® PC 35
- quick and easy connection via USB
- all kind of images on skin & hair can be taken
- Switching between parallel and cross polarized light by finger button or on the software
- practical holder for the camera supplied
- Increasing the products sales by means of product recommendation tools on CSI software for skin and hair care, sun care products, special products and treatments
- The camera can work alone or in combination with device Multi Skin Test Center MC 1000.
- Quantitative analysis of sebum production and desquamation (Skin dryness) can be done by Special collective tape Sebufix® F 16 and Cornoefix® F 20 in a special box. The Sebufix® mounted on the Visioscope® camera shows the sebum production in real time on the screen.
- Visioscope® PC 35 can be operated with two softwares Dermacheck 3000 and Complete Skin Investigation – CSI .