SquameScan™ 850A

Fast determination of the protein content
in the stratum corneum with tape stripping CorneoFix ™

SquameScan TM 850A

SquameScanTM 850A enables measurements to be taken in seconds. In addition, the same sample can be used for other bioassays.

The determination takes place via an optical density measurement in the infrared range at a wavelength of 850 nm. The measured value is displayed in% absorption and can be converted into the protein content due to the linear dependence.

Where to use

Corneofix With the SquameScanTM 850A, the protein content is measured indirectly on Corneofix strips.

Quick fact SquameScan TM 850A

  • The infrared light prevents both the thermal denaturation of the biomolecules and the influence of ambient light on the measurement result.
  • The measured value can also be sent to a PC via the integrated USB interface.
  • low costs per measurement
  • The measured diameter is 12.5mm, thus covering more than half of the available tape strip area. So the inhomogeneity of corneocyte distribution on the tape stripping is levelled.
  • little space requirement
  • easy handling

Technical data

Dimensions length x width x height : 200 x 100 x 100 mm
Weight : 1 kg
Voltage requirements : 9…15V DC
Power consumption : 3 VA
Measurement spot : 12.5 mm
Reading geometry : directed / directed
Spectral response : 750 … 950nm
Measurement range : 0…50% absorption
Resolution : 0.1% steps = 1 digit
Reading variation : ± 5 digits
Repeat accuracy : ± 3 digits
Temperature range : 17 … 27 °C
Relative humidity : 0 … 70 %
Accessory : – Calibration proof strip

– Power supply (90…240V AC), various main plugs

– PC-Software for data transfer

– Forceps

– Probe carrier, has to be ordered separate