The Visioscan® VC 20plus

Skin Topography Directly Measured by Visioscan® VC 20plus


The Visioscan® VC 20plus is a unique UVA-light video camera with high resolution to study the skin surface directly.

The SELS®parameters (Surface Evaluation of the Living Skin) have been developed especially for this camera and are used in numerous studies. The images show the structure of the skin and the level of dryness very impressively.

The camera can be used on pigmented spots and lesions and on hair. With its multi-functional software, the Visioscan® VC 20plus is a very flexible system to characterize skin surface condition easily, accurately and very economically. It had been used on board of the International Space Station ISS for several years.

Where to use?

There are numerous fields of application efficacy testing and claim support for cosmetics:

  • The Visioscan® is indispensable for efficacy testing and claim support for cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and detergents especially in regards to roughness and skin surface topology.
  • Typical claims (examples) substantiated with the Visioscan®: anti-wrinkle, anti-aging, smoothing, rejuvenating, anti-roughness, hydrating, against dry/scaly skin, exfoliating, and more.
  • Dermatological basic research in humans and animals.
  • Occupational medicine: to monitor the state of the skin and show the importance of skin protection products

Watch this training video `` How does Visiosan VC 20plus work?``

Quick fact Visioscan® VC 20plus

The camera
  • In contrary to conventional colour skin cameras, the Visioscan® VC 20 plus features a unique UV-A LED illumination (proven to present no hazard to normal human skin) in a small, easy-to-handle, ergonomically designed plastic casing. The light is homogenously distributed by a reflector. In addition, the camera consists of a high-resolution b/w video sensor chip, an objective and the new “liquid lens technology”, an electronically controlled lens which automatically adapts to the skin surface distance and maximizes the range of depth of field.The results are impressive, non-glossy images of the skin surface (size approx. 10 x 8 mm) displayed in 255 grey levels. Wrinkles and lines appear dark and skin scaliness can be seen as very bright pixels. The software analyses the image regarding a variety of topography parameters.


The Software
  • The evaluation method SELS® (Surface Evaluation of the Living Skin
  • In addition to the valuable SELS® calculations also other interesting parameters can be calculated: lines can be drawn on the images and the profile and the results are shown immediately. Roughness indices for up to 180 lines arranged vertically, horizontally or circularly are immediately available.
  • Special parameters have been created to describe virtually the skin topography by VisioScan volume (mm²) and unfolded surface in %.
  • Ageing parameters as anisotropy (directionality of the lines) and cell size (polygons between the visible lines) are at your disposal.
younger skin, lines in all directions visible, low anisotropy and more polygons between the lines
younger skin, lines in all directions visible, low anisotropy and more polygons between the lines
aged skin, deep directional lines, less and larger polygons between the lines
aged skin, deep directional lines, less and larger polygons between the lines


  • Draw lines and free-hand objects in the picture. They can be measured accurately (e.g. length of hair after shaving, Hair thickness, pigmented spots and lesions, etc.).


measurements of hair length and -thickness
measurements of hair length and -thickness
measurements of spots and lesions
measurements of spots and lesions


  • Evaluation of desquamation (scaliness/dryness) of the skin with the foil Corneofix® F 20. A desquamation index is calculated.
  • Determination of sebum production with the foil Sebufix® F 16. The sebum production of each sebum gland can be monitored impressively in real time on the screen.


  • Corneofix drySebufix normal


  • Worldwide established method with a variety of interesting studies. The Visioscan® had been used on board of the International Space Station (ISS) to monitor the astronauts’ skin state during their stay in space.


  • Convenient organisation of images and results in studies. Evaluate all data together by one click.
    • Display quickly and easily “3D” images in false colour or grey values.
    • check calibration functions ensures the accuracy of geometry and brightness of the camera.
    • Small, easy to handle device for all kind of applications.
    • The camera can be fitted to a tripod by its special mount.
    • Stable connection by USB directly to the computer.
    • The extremely economic system can easily compete with the more expensive, complex devices.


SELS (Surface Evaluation of the Living Skin)This evaluation method was developed by the Institute for Experimental Dermatology, Prof. Tronnier, University of Witten-herdecke, Germany. The grey level distribution of the image isused to evaluate –within one second – four clinical parameters to quantitatively and qualitatively describe the skin surface as an index:

Skin smoothness (Sesm), Skin roughness (Ser), Scaliness (Sesc), Wrinkles (Sew).

  • In addition to the valuable SELS calculations also other interesting parameters can be calculated: Lines can be drawn on the images and the profile and the results are shown vc kreis linienimmediately. Roughness indices for up to 180 lines arranged vertically, horizontally or circularly are immediately available.
  • The Visioscan® VC 20plus be used together with the Skin-Visiometer® SV 700 USB as combination instrument.
  • Worldwide established method with a variety of interesting studies. The Visioscan® has even repeatedly been used on ISS space missions.

Corneofix® F 20

Sebufix® F 16

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