Nail StrainStress Meter NM 100: A novel in vivo method to characterize biomechanical properties of nails
Paola Perugini | Stefano Sacchi1 | Giorgio Musitelli1
Department of Drug Sciences, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy EticHub s.r.l., Academic Spin-off, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
Correspondence Paola Perugini, Department of Drug Sciences, University of Pavia, Via Taramelli 12, 27100 Pavia, Italy. Email:

Nail Strain Stress Meter
Background: Nowadays, nail care products are extremely important both in medical
and cosmetic fields. Actually, there are only a very few “in vivo” methods to evaluate
the safety and the efficacy of nail products. [download_after_email id=2684]
Methods: The new apparatus, based on a recently patented technology, is developed
for the “in vivo” evaluation of nails in terms of thickness, structural firmness, flattening,
and bending properties. The device analyzes nails by an “in vivo” non-invasive
methodology in a timely way and with high accuracy. The assessment of the resistance
to compression measures the cohesion of the nail matrix (nail firmness), while
the evaluation of the resistance to transversal deformation detects the elasticity of
the nail plate. Furthermore, the apparatus is able to assess the nail thickness and the
flexibility of their distal edge…More info about NM100